Dec 18, 2005 22:42
Today is a great day to be a Skins fan. :-D
I spent the day at Michele's and had an all out day o' cookie baking. While we didn't do an exact count, it's looking like around 15-16 DOZEN cookies. And that's not including the burned ones and two batches that failed miserably that got thrown out. Now the issue is how to get rid of them! So... if you get cookies from me this Christmas, you'll know why, hehe.
Lately I've been calling on a couple friends to get them to say what I already know but need to hear from someone else. And while I appreciate their optimistic outlooks, I need them to tell me, NO IT WILL NOT HAPPEN! I already know it won't, but I just can't seem to let it go. Why do we hold onto hope when we know it ain't gonna happen. Why do we try to convince ourselves that maybe, just maybe it'll work out... If the stars are aligned right or maybe this time it's different... But no. Just no.
So Christmas is quickly approaching, which also means that it's almost my birthday! I'm hitting the quarter century mark and I am damn thrilled. 25 is so young. It's a blink. And it's totally worth celebrating, so I am actually trying to get some people together to be jolly with me. I haven't even bothered in YEARS cuz most people are out of town. But this year... I'm crossing my fingers. Clarendon. Late. You're invited.
Oh, and I watched Chronicles of Narnia again yesterday. And I liked it even MORE. Charlie invited me to see it today, too, and I totally would have had I not had this cookie thing already planned. Will I see it again? Hehehe... If the opportunity presents itself, who am I to say no to such a delight? I think it may actually be my favorite movie this year.