
Jan 26, 2009 17:06

Oh, Leverage.

<3 <3 <3 <3

I'm with stellaluna- in that I haven't had *this* much fun talking about a show in a long time.

I've been busy, picked up some more Kaplan work, so I'm behind with comments again, and I *still* haven't gotten to the Nate's Issues Mega-meta. But I finally got around to watching The Mile High Job, and without spoilers, I just want to say that it further cements how much I love Nate and Sophie. Their relationship is complicated and fraught. (Plus, Timothy Hutton and Gina Bellman have an obscene amount of chemistry.)

Not only have I not had this much fun talking about a show in a long time, I have not *loved* a canon pairing this much in... almost ever.

So, yeah. OT3: Nate/Nate's-Issues/Sophie. Except for the fact that the only reason they're not banging like a screen door in a hurricane is that Nate is a miserable son of a bitch. His issues are getting in the way. He's good at manipulating people, at using people, and his interaction with Paul in The Miracle Job showed us he's perfectly willing and able to manipulate people he cares about. Sophie knows that. He's jerking her around, and yes, Sophie is aware that he's doing it. He's put her in a shitty position.

Sophie knows that Nate is slowly self-destructing--hell they all know that--and she also knows that if she tries to get through to him right now it's only going to make things worse. But they have a decade's worth of history and she cares about him, so she can't just walk away. There is no good choice for her to make, but she clearly has self-respect. Unless he hits a breaking point, sooner or later, she's going to walk away. (Like his wife did. You know he drove her away, but he arranged it to look like she left. So he can martyr himsef, frankly.) Sooner or later they're all going to walk away, and that's exactly what he wants.

All of this is terribly interesting and compelling stuff.

(Plus, the correct answer to "Nate or Sophie?" is YES PLEASE.)

fandom: leverage, miserable son of a bitch, thinky thoughts

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