good books

Jun 13, 2008 18:30

I haven't seen Prince Caspian, though I probably will at some point. The talk about it has gotten me thinking though. Well, the talk about it and being back at home where a few of my old books still reside has got me thinking.

I read the Narnia books when I was a kid. I know I read the Narnia books, and I re-read most if not all of them at least once. I'm looking at my beat up copies on the shelf right over there. I know that Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favorite.

I can't seem to remember the books themselves very well. I am puzzled by this. I have sense memories of reading the books that are stronger than my memory of the actual content.

What I do remember with absolute clarity, what I read at roughly the same age, and probably re-read as many times-- is Madeline L'Engle. I loved Madeline L'Engle, and not just the Murray-O'Keefe family books (A Wrinkle in Time, et al). There were novels about the Austin family, too... Madeline L'Engle's work is what stuck to my soul. Just thinking about them now makes me want to re-read them.

I'm assuming the people on my flist are Readers like me. I'm curious: What did you read as a kid, or in your early teens, that left its mark on you more strongly than anything else?

...before Madeline L'Engle, for me, it was mostly Old Mother West Wind (age six-ish) and The Secret Garden (eight-ish?).

made of magic and win, query

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