maximum gayness: blue & gold, john sheppard, lindsay monroe

Mar 13, 2008 10:52

In lieu of a rant that seems to be brewing about heteronormativity and the absurdity of a bipolar conception of gender and sexuality...

Here are some things that are so gay in my head that they're almost anomolous.

You know, rationally I do understand that Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are not going to start making out as soon as they get a second away from all this saving time and the multiverse crap.

But I still keep expecting them to make out.

I don't usually expect non-canonical pairings to make out in canon, not the way I seem to be here. But Booster and Beetle are just so canon in my head. And the love *is* canon, even if the sex isn't necessarily.

All in all, it's not unlike the way I can't even imagine John Sheppard having sex with a woman. I can't. It's just... not natural. Which in itself is bizarre because 99% of the time I presume a basic bisexuality to all characters.

Incidentally, the only other character I can only think of as totally gay (as opposed to somewhere on the queer spectrum) is Lindsay Monroe. (She's just so weird and repressed, people! And the only person she has *any* chemistry with is Stella! Although, really, what woman wouldn't turn gay for Stella?)

...I have a very CONTROVERSIAL THEORY on CSI:NY's last season finale, where Danny and Lindsay have their drunken hook up. On the improbable pool table. In Danny's impossibly large for NYC apartment. It didn't happen. There's no way Danny could afford that apartment, so Lindsay had a quiet little psychotic break and hallucinated the whole thing, which explains why 1) Danny's reaction to her at the end of the ep was a little off, 2) that Danny's reactions to her are always noticably off from her reactions to him, and 3) that they've made NO REAL REFERENCE TO THE SUPPOSED RELATIONSHIP ALL SEASON. (Not that I'm complaining there, but we're up to ep 14, right?)

*grins madly*

edit wow, I just went in to fix a typo, and I got the biggest rush of deja vu. I haven't made this post before, have I?

comic book girl, my crazy (let me show you)

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