Title: In Case You Get Distracted
scarletts_awryRating: FRT? (nothing explicit, but they’re implicitly naked in bed together)
Pairing: Mac/Stella
Summary: She writes him a to-do list.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and it's a good thing too because they'd be too busy with the sex to have time for the crimefighting.
Authors Notes: This is the first entry in my self-imposed Hypergraphia challenge, in which I will write a fic for every possible pairing on the show prompted by the notion of writing on the body.
Stella stretches beside Mac, reaching her arms up to the headboard and back down. She rolls on her side and hooks her leg over Mac’s hip.
“You’re not staying are you,” she says.
“No.” He works his arm under and around her shoulders. “I have the monthly budgetary status meeting at-”
“At seven. I know.” Stella rests her chin on his shoulder. “We should’ve gone back to your place.”
“You have court first thing in the morning,” Mac points out.
“Yeah and the way the trial has gone I’m going to get stuck there all day.” She props herself up on an elbow. “But I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
A curl of her hair falls in Mac’s face, and he reaches up to tuck it back behind her ear. “I just wouldn’t want you to run late.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Stella quirks her eyebrows at him, and it’s the look that means he’s stepped in it.
She’s having none of it.
Mac smiles. “Well, sometimes you get a little-” he slides a hand down to the small of her back “-distracted in the morning.”
She laughs. “I do not! You’re the one who gets distracted.”
“You do. I’m trying to get dressed and you get-” she slides a leg between his “-distracted.”
Mac laughs and surrenders. “Okay, fine, we both get distracted.” Stella lays her head back down on his shoulder and seems satisfied.
“The meeting will be fine Mac.” The words vibrate against his skin.
“The meeting will be a waste of time.”
She pats his shoulder. “Well, yes, but you’ll survive.”
“Thank you for that reassurance.”
Stella climbs on top of him and reaches across for a pen from the nightstand. The press of pen against his arm makes Mac jump, but he resists the impulse to jerk away, partly because it would likely result in dumping Stella onto the floor.
“What are you doing?”
“Writing you a to-do list for tomorrow.”
“On my arm?”
“I’d write it on a piece of paper and pin it to your clothes but you don’t have anything on right now.”
“Stella-” Mac tilts his head to look over and down at her the best that he can. “What if it doesn’t wash off in the morning?”
“That’s why I’m writing it on your arm instead of your hand.” She holds his arm still with her free hand. “It’s not like you wear short sleeves to work-though come to think of it you should start.”
“That’s not- Why?”
“You look good in a t-shirt.” Stella stops writing to look up at him. “I’m just saying.”
“You’re just saying.”
She leans back down to continue. “Mm-hmm.”
“I don’t think I could get away with showing as much skin at work as you.” The tip of the pen is a little sharp against his skin. It doesn’t tickle like he would’ve expected-if he’d expected to be pinned down and have a to-do list written on his arm. “What are you writing?”
“I told you, it’s a to-do list.”
A long one by the feel of it. “Right, but what’s on the to-do list.”
“One, get at least four hours of sleep. Two, when you wake up, eat something with your eighty-four cups of coffee. Three, don’t let the meeting irritate you too badly, no matter how much time it ends up wasting.” She caps the pen and puts it back on the nightstand, then settles herself directly over him.
“I think I can remember those things on my own.”
Stella nods. “This is just in case you get distracted.”
“And who exactly do you think is going to be around to distract me?”
“Hush, I’m not done.” She grabs his arm and holds it up. “Four, call Stella to apologize-”
“For implying she is anything less than efficient in the morning. Do I need to write that bit down?”
“Five, after apologizing, complain to Stella about the meeting because venting every now and then is only human.” She pauses, presumably to give him time to object. “Finally, six, wear t-shirts more often.”
Stella lets his arm go, and he pulls her down into a kiss. Warm lips smile against his, and her hair falls into his face again.
“I thought you were leaving,” she murmurs against his lips.
“I am.” He wraps his arms around her.
Thanks for reading; feedback always appreciated.