Your Life Path Number is 11
You Are Changing Leaves
Pretty, but soon dead.
What Part of Fall Are You? You Are Apple Cider
Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.
What Part of Fall Are You? Halloween Horoscope for Scorpio
Halloween is your favorite holiday for scaring and shocking others.
You like to bring out your alternate persona on Halloween - and have the night of your life.
Costume suggestions: A freaky monster or prince / princess of darkness.
Signature Halloween candy: Candy cigarettes
What's Your Halloween Horoscope? Halloween Horoscope for Sagittarius
Halloween is your time to be flirtatious, sexy, and hot hot hot!
You love to tempt people into evil, even if it's just for one night.
Costume suggestions: A sexy devil or a dark fairy
Signature Halloween candy: Anything spiked with booze
What's Your Halloween Horoscope?