Characters 20in20 - Morgana (Merlin)

Apr 07, 2014 21:53

23 Morgana icons for Characters 20in20


Close Ship
Full Body & Fake BG
Over the Shoulder
Pink & Yellow

Provided Texture
White Light


High Priestess
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
Three of Swords
Seven of Wands


artist's choice 1
artist's choice 2
artist's choice 3
artist's choice 4
artist's choice 5


Category Explanations
High Priestess: "symbols of the unconscious mind" / " She is the gateway to realms that we may never fully comprehend or master." So I related this to Morgana's prophetic dreams.
Knight of Cups: " implies that of a messenger, so it comes as little surprise that he often manifests as a bearer of news." I portrayed Morgana when she tries to warn that Arthur is going to die.
Queen of Cups: "She is often like a mirror, reflecting the hidden depths of others back to them" Therefore, I showed Morgana's reflection in a broken mirror which reflects her broken emotional state.
Three of Swords: "There is rejection, sadness, loneliness, heartbreak, betrayal, separation and grief." Here is Morgana after she has dealt with pretty much all of these.
Seven of Wands: "now is time to feel the fear, and do it anyway" In this scene Morgana is confronting the fear that has gripped her all season (her magical abilities / connections to druids).

Caps from Grande Caps.

challenge: 20in20, icons: merlin

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