TV Show 20in20 - 33 Various TV Icons

Jan 22, 2014 19:46

20 icons for Round 19 of TV Show 20in20
+13 alternates

20 Tropes

All Loving Hero
Stay With Me Until I Die
Reunion Kiss
The Dreaded
Evil Counterpart

Broken Bird
Badass Damsel
What Beautiful Eyes
The Evil Prince

Windmill Crusader
The Stoic
Student & Master Team
Bitch Alert
The Napolean

Cultural Rebel
Benched Hero
A Lady On Each Arm
Life Of The Party
The Hunter

1. Charming Once Upon a Time // 2. Tristan & Isolde Merlin // 3. Amy & Rory Doctor Who // 4. Moriarty Sherlock // 5. Katherine The Vampire Diaries // 6. Sansa Game of Thrones // 7. Kahlan Legend of the Seeker // 8. Isobel Smallville // 9. Gisborne & the Sheriff Robin Hood // 10. Viserys Game of Thrones // 11. Whiskey (Dr. Saunders) Dollhouse // 12. Dr. Rosen Alphas // 13. Joan & Annie Covert Affairs // 14. Morgana Merlin // 15. Ben Lost // 16. Simon Firefly // 17. Clara Doctor Who // 18. Clark, Lana, & Chloe Smallville // 19. Kaylee Firefly // 20. Jeremy The Vampire Diaries


Caps from Kiss Them Goodbye, Home of the Nutty, Grande Caps, and Google.

icons: doctor who, icons: robin hood, icons: covert affairs, challenge: 20in20, icons: lost, icons: sherlock, icons: smallville, icons: vampire diaries, icons: game of thrones, icons: once upon a time, icons: merlin, icons: firefly, icons: legend of the seeker, icons: intelligence, icons: alphas

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