Oct 12, 2006 21:24
"Catastrophe keeps us together, it's the architect of the world"- Rainer Maria
I was listening to this band today and that lyric always sticks in my head when I listen to it. A very good band that I think a lot of people should listen to.
Work is going well for me. The people there are awesome and are very good about encouraging me to continue my education. We sat around last Saturday where they gave me their life stories and explained why I was such a good example. I never thought that it was so different to pay for my own education or have an idea of what I want since all of my friends are the same way.
School is also well. Turned in my first paper of the semester on Wednesday and have another one due on Tuesday. I really need to start it this weekend. By start, I mean write it because I have the research done and I just need to sit and actually write it before and after work. And also Monday night probably during my meetings and when I am not in class.
The thesis sessions are ok. Dr. Stark is very encouraging of my thesis and very good at helping me think of new places to go with my thinking. I need to devote more time to reading for it now since I have not devoted much at all. That is bad but I have other things that I need to focus on such as my other classes and my friends and talking to Matt.
Speaking of Matt, he will be here in a month. It will be awesome when he comes because we are going to hang out with our friends and do whatever we want. He wants to go see something on Broadway but we will have to do a bit more research for that since we would need cheap tickets and a show that a lot of people will want to see.
Right now I am sitting at a coffee social in my room. Of course it had an auspicious start because I was late showing up since I went to the Philosophy Club to watch V for Vendetta and Jess was not sure to come over because I was not here and Mike and Sarah were in the room being studious and quiet. But now we are having a lot of fun drinking yummy coffee and discussing the idiotic institution known as high school. No one ever likes high school if they really experience. I liked high school but was reminded that I was in a tiny geeky section of high school where I did not interact with 99% of the population of the high school I attended.
I have to start studying for the GRE and thinking about my applications. At least I have people to write me letters of recommendation and an idea of what classes I will be taking in my last semester of college. My last semester of college is next semester. That is a scary thought.