Five Things for a Cranky, Gray Tuesday

Jan 17, 2012 09:59

1) Spent most of yesterday working on a skills test for a job. I understand the purpose behind tests like this and worked hard at it to do well, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was having to take the SATs all over again. At my age, well, one hopes to be done with that sort of thing.

2) I have had a difficult week with food. I think it's probably the weather and the season that's making me want to eat more than I ought to. Also, I've eaten out a lot this week, which always makes managing food a little more challenging. I've been working out with a new exercise DVD I purchased to help offset the eating, especially given that it's been so cold that I haven't wanted to run. Still, I feel like there's just been a little too much eating this week, and I'm trying to decide whether or not to weigh in tonight.

3) This morning I found myself having to deal with some last bits of accident administration that should result in a compensatory payment of some kind. We'll see what happens there.

4) Have I mentioned that my left knee has been giving me some trouble? It's running-related and makes me unhappy. I need to go to the doctor and get it looked at but, well, what with unemployment and all, I'm not really feeling the love for doctor-going. ::grumble::

5) Snow is coming. Last night, broadcast news was full of dire reports of the snowmaggedon yet to come. The local papers are full of predictions of the end of the world as well. They made me so paranoid that last night, past 11 PM, I inventoried the house, then ran out to pick up some supplies in case of being snowed in for a couple of days. My biggest concern, frankly, is that I have an interview this week on the day that the heaviest snow is predicted to fall. I find myself wondering when I became such a PNWer that snow would scare me. I suspect it was when I tried to drive on snow-covered hills at 30-degree angles. That could do it. Yes.

weight loss, health, weather, job hunting, food

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