A great many things to do

Dec 05, 2011 09:23

I have a great many things I want to get done over the next couple of weeks. Here's just a small list, mainly for my own reference, in no particular order. Note that I fully expect I won't achieve everything on this list in the next couple of weeks, but I'm pretty sure I can get a good start on things.

--Get a pair of good walking shoes.
--Get a nice wool sweater.
--Write at least one article, possible two, for The Elongated Collectors newsletter.
--Pitch an article about the 1962 World's Fair and its related elongated coins to The Numismatist. (I'm probably too late, frankly--timing is everything--but it would be good practice for some other piece down the line.)
--Polish up "Skippers" and put it in the mail.
--Polish up "The Monster Option" and put it in the mail.
--Polish up "The Opinions of Invisible Strangers" and put it in the mail.
--Finish up writing my holiday cards.
--Register for at least one class on a new technique at Fusion Beads.
--Find a couple of new places for distance walking.
--Join a gym.
--Mail off a big box o' stuff to my brother.
--Call the plumber about a long-neglected project.
--Call an electrician about a long-neglected project.

to do

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