My LJ to-do list, amended

Nov 02, 2011 09:30

Yesterday I posted the following list of things I wanted to post about on LJ:
-- Rediscovering my smashed-penny habit
-- How we're taught to deal with product frustration
-- The difference between "for your information" and passive-aggressive sabotage

I'm going to talk only briefly about the third item in this list this morning. It related to a rather upsetting encounter I had on Facebook tied up with food and food issues, and the question of what is and isn't passive-aggressive behavior. I spent time this morning writing up a pretty detailed account of the entire affair and then realized that, as of this morning, I'm done with the encounter emotionally. I'm not sure what good it would do to rehash it here in detail for more conversation. The friend in question, whose intentions I am certain were good, has explained her thinking and apologized, and I've accepted her apology.

At some point I may still post about passive aggression and my experience of it here in the Pacific Northwest, where I've developed a whole new appreciation for its fine art and science. This morning, however, it's a non-issue and so I'm going to leave it where it is and be done with it for now. On to other subjects . . .

necessary vagueness, to do

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