Quick update

Oct 19, 2011 11:34

I haven't been posting much this week because I've been fighting malaise, procrastinating, fighting the blues, and trying to kickstart my exercise regimen again. I've had some success with this last bit, walking Green Lake twice in the last week, and then walking/running the track for about 40 minutes yesterday. (So, yes, the busted toe is healing, though it's been complaining a bit.) Didn't make much of a difference to my weigh-in last night, but that's OK. There's still plenty to tweak with my food and liquid intake, and it may all just mean I need to up the intensity of my workout. I'm not feeling confident about my income so there's no gym membership in the immediate future, but I can certainly change how I'm doing my walk/run intervals and things like that.

The job search has officially begun, rather than being the sort of piecemeal affair it's been the last few weeks. I'm applying for things that make sense of me, which isn't many, but they're out there, so that gives me some hope. And in the meanwhile, the freelance continues, bit by bit.

I've been doing more shopping in my closet for clothes. While it's great to discover that clothes I saved to wear until I'd lost weight are actually a little big on me now, it means I need to do more closet purging and a little more digging through things at Goodwill. I spent quite a bit of money on new jeans a couple of weeks ago, buying them and getting them shortened, only to realize that they're still a little too long.

I have some social plans for later this week that I'm looking forward to . . . but we're not there quite yet.

I apologize for this entry. It's sort of all over the map, which is how I'm feeling right now. Mostly, I'm still feeling that thing that I felt after WorldCon, which is that I don't quite know what I'm doing with my life and, that being the case, I'm not sure what to do. It's great to have a lot of options; the problem is choosing, and choosing wisely. Or maybe what I need to do is choose stupidly, go forth with untempered optimism, and hope it'll all turn out just fine. I hear that's how fools and geniuses succeed.

Things I want to post about:
-- Last weekend's photo excursion
-- The book I'm nearly finished with (when I'm finished with it)
-- The interview/dinner I enjoyed with some of the women from Weight Watchers this past weekend
-- The coming dismantling and replacement of the Alaskan Way Viaduct
-- Other stuff I'm sure I've forgotten

weight loss, state of me, job hunting, to do

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