Where I'm At

Oct 02, 2011 19:11

My plan is to report on the weekend later. Right now, though, I want to tally up where I am, get some perspective and orientation, and then move forward.

1) The car: The insurance company has paid me for my poor, totaled car. I hated signing it away and I will miss it. We've been through a lot, me and that little red 2004 Ford Focus. In the end, it did me its greatest service, which was to protect me in an accident that could have been far, far worse than it was. For this I am and will always be grateful. I came out with a busted toe and some bruising. It could have been so much worse.

This weekend, I used the settlement money to purchase the car that I looked at last weekend, a 2007 silver Ford Focus with only 44K miles on it. It's in excellent shape and it addresses my needs. I'm satisfied overall. I'll probably have some upgrades done when I have the money, all things that are options, but ones I had on the lost car and that I will miss. But . . . one thing at a time. I have a vehicle. That's what I needed.

Tomorrow, I need to contact my insurance company to switch my insurance from the old car to the new one.

2) The toe: The toe is healing. I walked more this weekend than since the accident. I'm a little fatigued but I wasn't really all that uncomfortable, even wearing dress shoes--not heels but, rather, nice, black leather work day shoes. I'm thinking that tomorrow morning I may get up and do some walking--no running, but I can't stand sitting around any more. It's making me crazy and the stall on my weight loss progress is just killing me.

3) The driving anxiety: Much, much better than it was. All the counsel that I got from the therapist has really made a difference toward helping me with my comfort and confidence. I'm grateful that I was able to pursue that treatment, all two sessions of it. Now it's just a question of continuing to practice what I learned and to practice driving in the toughest of situations: on freeways. It will get better; I'm sure of it.

4) The job: Well, I'm job hunting. I'm also doing freelance work. That's pretty much that there.

5) Health insurance: I'm investigating how much an individual plan with Group Health might cost me since my former employer wasn't large enough to have to meet COBRA requirements. So far, it's actually looking pretty doable. Will need to continue to do my homework and be sure about the options before I commit.

And that's the overall picture. My life hasn't completely reset to where it was before the accident, but I'm much, much closer than I was before, and it will only take a little more effort to get back there--with the exception of the job search, which will take quite a bit more time. But, as I said above, one step at a time.

Step . . .

Step . . .

Step . . .
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