It's nearly 4 AM. I woke, couldn't go back to sleep, came out to check on the kitties. I'm worried about Spanky. He's having a tougher time getting around. I think
this thing growing inside him is getting bigger. He still eats, but not as much. I suspect he's not drinking enough water. I may call the vet tomorrow morning.
And yet, when it's sunny he goes and sits in the patch of sunlight by the balcony doors. He does come to the kitchen for breakfast, if slowly and in stages. He purrs when I pet him.
I suspect what I ought to do is go back to bed and reexamine things when I've had more sleep.
5:17 AM: Still can't sleep. Reading a lot about end-of-life issues and care for cats. I may have a decision to make this week. Must call vet and talk it out.