What I want versus what I can control

Mar 30, 2011 23:33

I am bound and determined to:

-- Get some exercise tomorrow (Thursday).
-- Revise my current short story and get it in the mail this coming Monday.
-- Declutter the kitchen table by Monday.
-- Get all the books off the floor all over the house within the next week and a half.
-- Start playing my guitar again. I've chosen a new song to learn, so this will help.
-- Hang some new art.

I must remember the difference between the things I want and the things I can control. For example, I want to have lost 20 pounds by the time I leave for New York (I'm currently at 17.6). I can't control that, however. What I can control is what I put in my mouth and how often I exercise.

I want it to be warm again. I'm so tired of the cold and damp. (Welcome to the Pacific Northwest, I know.) What I can control is what I wear and how warm the house is.

And so on. It's a matter of perspective.

to do

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