Adventures in Closet Excavation

Mar 22, 2011 17:01

Today, after the bulk of work for the Day job was done, with an hour to spare, I did a little closet excavation just to be sure that I didn't have anything else I might wear to the gala. Here's what I found:

Dana Scully Suit: I talked about this dress in yesterday's post. I tried it on again just now and discovered that I was really wrong about it fitting well. I swim in it. I'm going to keep it and have it taken in, but I can't wear it tonight. I'd feel silly.

Spider Queen Dress: This was a dress I wore to a World Fantasy (or maybe it was a World Horror) convention more years ago than I care to admit. I'd forgotten I had it. It's gorgeous, with a top draped with black lace and a solid black skirt. It's also hopelessly out of date (shoulder pads! skirt to mid-calf!) and hangs funny on me. This one's going to Goodwill so that some goth girl of size can find it and hash it up to be hip again.

Zebra-collar Suit: This was a pants suit I purchased years ago as an interview suit. It's black slacks and a black top/jacket. The collar and buttons sport a zebra-striped pattern and it's just darling. It, too, sadly, suffers from shoulder-pad badness. At a women's size 18, I haven't fit into it for years. I tried it on just now and--behold!--it fit! But, oh, those shoulder pads! It's another suit I have to get altered. Basically, those pads have to come out and the sleeves need to be reset. It'll be totally worth it, because I love this suit, but it can't be worn tonight.

I've decided that I'd be a little self-conscious in the Oscars dress,'s the Spring Dress. Even though I think it really is kind of a day dress, I can dress it up with heels and sparklies and make it work, as dear Tim Gunn says.

Speaking of which...I better get a move on!


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