1. On SundaySaturday last, I spent the morning with
e_bourne and
calendula_witch at
Volunteer Park, mostly at the
Conservatory, a perfect place to spend a cold, rainy day. The place was in nearly full bloom and so, as is my wont, I took
pictures of flowers and plants. I love the orchids there, and the bromeliad room. (I even love saying "bromeliad." Go ahead. Say it. It feels good on the tongue.) We had lunch at a pub called
Smith afterward, that I must return to. Very, very good food.
2. I made no post about the Oscars, but I think my comments can be summarized in three statements: 1) True Grit wuz robbed. 2) James Franco was stiff as a board. 3) Kirk Douglas stole the show (followed in a close second by Robert Downey, Jr and Jude Law). All else is silence. Dull, boring silence.
3. I received the official invitation to my brother's wedding on Monday. Receipt of same threw me into a panic about buying a dress for the occasion. The panic has abated, mostly, but I need to do some shopping this coming weekend--at least to get rolling. I can't remember the last time I had to buy a special occasion dress. I guess I ought to have one, but one rarely needs such things in Seattle.
4. I'm back on track with my weight loss program. I'm down 2.2 pounds this week for a total of 13.4. A pound or two per week is good progress; I know this intellectually even though, emotionally, I want it just all to disappear. But part of all this is learning better eating and living habits. This weight didn't just appear overnight; it's not going to disappear that way either. That's really been my goal: to learn how to eat like an adult instead of a 16-year-old boy. It's definitely happening bit by bit: more fruits and vegetables, more experimentation. This is good.
5. Bright sunshine is showing through my living room window right now, and the cats are enjoying it, especially Spanky. I don't know how long it will last, but it's the first we've seen in a while. If it keeps up, I might do something radical like go take a walk at lunchtime, even despite the howling winds. Here's hoping.