Tuesday night thoughts

Feb 01, 2011 22:42

Haven't been journaling much lately. I suspect it's partly because day job work is heating up, partly because I'm writing, and partly because there's lots going on under the surface. I've been very focused on my two key goals for 2011, weight loss and writing, which may be occupying lots of cycles down deep, given all the baggage that's wrapped up with them.

My round-up for the month of January:

Weight loss: I lost a total of 6.6 pounds for the month. Not bad. I've had slow, steady downward progress, which is what I want. That third week, where I took off only .2 lbs, kinda slowed me down, but I bounced back this week and I'm feeling good about continuing. tbclone47 and I made a pinky swear to lose between 10-25 pounds before Norwescon (that's Easter weekend). I think it's doable. I'm hoping I'll surpass that goal, but I'll take what comes. I've been walking 1-1.5 miles three times a week for the last two weeks. For February, I want to up it to 5 times per week.

Writing: Two stories put in the mail; one accepted for publication. I wrote most days, but only gave myself a star on the calendar when I made it up to or past 500 words. Total for January: 7 stars. My goal for February is to double that number. While I wrote many days in January, I didn't reach my stated goal on a number of them. No excuse for that. I won't adjust my expectations; I need to adjust my efforts.

This focus, I think, is good for me. It has kept me from obsessing about other things. That said, as I said at the beginning of this entry, I think I'm processing stuff deep down inside, because I feel like I'm slowly coming to some peace with some of the truths of who I am at this point in my life. Those things will help me make some decisions about what I want and when I want whatever it is I want.

One step at a time. Big or small, they're steps, and that's good.
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