A viewer's perspective

Jan 22, 2011 09:54

Last night's big surprise: Keith Olbermann's departure from MSNBC. I was going to watch Countdown last night, but realized that I didn't have time as I was expecting a guest for dinner. I stopped to check my Twitter stream, and that's when I got wind of the news, then started scanning the Web for more information. I've been a pretty regular viewer of Olbermann's, though for the last year or so, I've watched less frequently mainly because sometimes he got a little too strident for me. Didn't mean I respected him any less; I just find myself withdrawing a little more from my interest in politics lately. But I digress. Apparently Olbermann's departure was a mutual thing between him and MSNBC. It's a huge loss, though, and not just for the liberal community, but for the shouting match dialog of American culture and politics. I hope he'll be back on the air somewhere in the near future. For all that he can be too strident, he still speaks truth to power with a passion and eloquence that is rare in today's media environment. His obvious thought and surgical analysis is needed. I'm going to miss him on the air.


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