A Mighty Fine Weekend

Jan 16, 2011 18:38

Had some company in from out of town this weekend, and got to do some terrific stuff. The original plan was to see the Harry Potter exhibit at Pacific Science Center. We got there only to discover that the timed tickets for the day had been pretty much sold out by the time we got there. Disappointing, but not devastating. We chose instead to go to the Museum of History and Industry, which is, I think, the most under-appreciated museum in town. They have an exhibit going on right now called "The Purse and the Person," about women's purses, their history, styles, and how they have changed over the years given womens' roles, social movements, and more. Quite wonderful, and very well put together.

I also had an opportunity to show "Spartacus," a particular favorite of mine, to someone who had never seen it before. I haven't watched this movie in a long time, and it was fun to see pieces here and there that I'd forgotten, and to watch someone discover the movie for the first time. Jean Simmons was breathtakingly beautiful. And the dialog--just wonderful, every bit of it.

Today was delicious brekkies at Portage Bay Cafe and a walk around the locks. After calculating my food points for the day, I discovered that I really haven't eaten enough food, even with a snack calculated to fix that problem. I may give myself a little treat since my planned dinner won't solve the problem either. Oh woe, I have to eat more. ::wry grin:: I'm beginning to think that I ought to keep string cheese in the house for such occasions. I know for certain that I need to rebalance my food calculations.

And so tomorrow starts the week. We're in the last stretch before things heat up again, and I have a lot of prep work to do. I'll be kept busy; that's for sure.

food, museums, movies

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