Sugar-frosted world

Jan 10, 2011 08:38

I woke this morning, got out of bed, and went into the kitchen. I fixed breakfast for myself, sat down with food and my laptop to read the morning mail, and then looked out the window. I'd been up for 20 minutes and only then realized that it was snowing. That said, my alarm clock wakes me with the news on NPR every morning and I'd heard the weather forecast. I'd heard that it was snowing, but I hadn't assimilated the information. The snowfall didn't last long; it's already stopped, but it's left the trees and shrubs, my balcony railing, and the roof of the house next door covered with a light sugar frosting, quite pretty. I can already see that it's melting on the balcony floor. I doubt it will last out the day, but for the moment, it's pleasant and not overwhelming.

I had disturbing dreams last night, one of which included my being at a convention and fighting over closet space--with the people in the room adjacent to mine. One of those people happened to be my friend EF. She was screaming at me and at my brother, whose room was several doors away. Finally, we all ended up out in the hallway, my brother insisting--in an oddly strained and high-pitched way--that EF shouldn't be mad at him because he loves folk music. I know it doesn't sound disturbing, but all the screaming just freaked me out. But that's true in real life for me, too: I find it enormously upsetting when people shriek at each other.

I'm glad to be awake. The real world, with all its difficulties, is still easier to navigate than my dreamscape.

weather, dreams

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