The awful and the good

Jan 08, 2011 21:07

With one glaring exception, today was just a fine, fine day.

The exception, of course, was the shooting of Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Justice John Roll, and the many people who were killed or injured alongside them at the Congress on Your Corner event earlier today. e_moon60 has made an excellent post on the subject, well worth reading, regarding the nature of Rep. Gifford's injuries and her recovery, as well as the probable provocation of the event. I'm of a mind to agree with her. The New York Times is following the story and updating their primary coverage, which currently includes the suggestion that the 22-year-old suspect may have had an accomplice. As I said on Facebook earlier today, my heart goes out to the Giffords' family and the families of all those who were killed or injured today. I send a mi sheberach to Rep. Giffords and all those recovering.

As for the rest of today, it was quite fine indeed. jaylake was in town for a change of scenery, and we spent some time this afternoon together just catching up. I then joined him and a group of most irregular regulars for dinner at Bucca di Beppo (really, it was a rogue's gallery of favorite people; I couldn't list them all for fear of leaving someone out). It was a large, raucous crowd and we had a marvelous time. I shared an outrageously delicious order of chicken canneloni and an apple-walnut salad with my tablemates. I was very careful about what I ate, watching my portions and eating in a leisurely fashion, making sure I had a goodly portion of the salad. This may be the first time I've ever left Bucca di Beppo feeling satisfied but not full. I'm proud of myself for maintaining perspective about the meal. We laughed a lot. It was all just such a pleasure. I feel like I haven't spent time with these folks in far too long. I've missed them, and I'm glad I was able to join the group.

A subset of the gang split off to head to an evening of Elvis impersonation (with a tip of the hat to the King on his birthday). It sounded like fun, but I myself chose a quieter evening at home, especially since tomorrow promises yet another flurry of activity. There will be writing and walking and goodness.

social butterfly, current events, politics

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