Five Things: First Friday in October Edition

Oct 01, 2010 08:34

Meteorologists say it's going to be a wild winter in the Pacific Northwest this year. Oh joy. On the other hand, it might be the perfect excuse for me to buy a new winter coat. My old one is black and shapeless. Its main attributes are that it is warm and waterproof, certainly key advantages for this part of the world, but I admit to wanting something with a leeeetle bit more style. This idea also does not square with my hopes to be more frugal this year. Must find a happy medium.

NPR (with an excellent graphic), The New York Times, and everyone else on Earth is reporting the discovery of a new Goldilocks planet, Gliese 581-G. To be noted in the NY Times story, the planet, like all the others in that system, keeps the same face to the star all the time. This makes me skeptical of the fooforah being raised about the possibility of extraterrestrial life developing there. At the same time, aliens will be alien for a host of reasons, including different the rotation/revolution rates of their planets. I guess time and investigation will tell. Who knows what's possible, after all?

jackwilliambell and I are talking about taking his grandson out to a corn maze, possibly this weekend. I hope we get to do it. I love this sort of fall activity. I don't know why.

It looks like I may be visiting back east this spring. My brother is brewing Big Plans that may require my presence, a requirement I'd be delighted to fulfill. More news as things develop.

Work has been...challenging this week. At the same time, I have proved to myself that I have the resources to meet said challenges. That's reassuring.

work, weather, bro, science, jack

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