Jack is home!

Sep 16, 2010 22:06

jackwilliambell has returned from his 3-week adventure in Australia, and we got together for dinner tonight. Everything feels like it's in the right place again. He told me stories of his trip and showed me pictures, including movies of his white-water rafting, his snorkeling by the Great Barrier Reef, and his swimming with a sea turtle, which inspired delight and envy. How I wish I could have gone with him. But he brought little bits of Australia home with him for me, including a plethora of smashed pennies--a motherlode from all over the continent! And he brought me beautiful opals: a small, lovely blue-green doublet pendant and a pair of brilliant blue-green triplet earrings. (Learn about doublets and triplets.) They burn with little fires in them, sparks and flashes of light.

Jack's home. I'm content.


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