Random notes for a Saturday morning

Sep 11, 2010 10:43

I ought to have had some protein with breakfast. As it is, breakfast was merely a hunk of holiday challah--not especially healthy but, oh, so tasty.

The New York Post is now following me on Twitter. I feel a compulsion to be extra topical and witty.

NASA plans to realize the vision that David Brin wrote about in Sundiver.

I did a little bit of Foolscap poster distribution in Redmond yesterday, but less than I planned. What happened to the game store that use to be out by the Bella Bottega movie theater?

I can't believe Foolscap is just two weeks away! Hope we get a good turn-out. We've worked so hard.

Checked on jackwilliambell's place yesterday as I have been doing periodically in his absence. How odd to not have a cat-sitter to do this sort of thing! (I suppose, however, that would require having cats.)

Work has been eating my life the last couple of weeks: day job, freelance. And, as is the way with these things, all this work has me looking around the house and saying, "Wow, I need to clean up around here."

Thursday's news about that crackpot Terry Jones and his threatened Qoran-burning event made me anxious all day, sure the world was about to succumb to a conflagration. I hate it that one attention-seeking asshole can hijack news cycles, provoke riots, and make the world less safe for not just Americans but for everyone. And then to try to use his airtime to stop the Park51 project! What a self-centered, power-hungry, close-minded little monster he is.

For those who didn't see it, here's the President's genuinely impressive Press Conference answer about mosques and Muslims. That sort of thought gives me hope.

science, random, current events

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