Sunday night report: writing, the hand, rebellion, future planning

Jun 13, 2010 22:31

I'm at 1,013 words on the new story. It was supposed to be done for tomorrow night's final workshop. It won't be--no champagne pour moi unless I come up with another 4,000 words tomorrow morning. Most of what's on the page was written bearing in mind Kristine Kathryn Rusch's motto, "Dare to be bad." After all, you can't edit if you don't have raw material first. And raw is all about being raw. I suspect I'm walking into the story, but if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes. I'm much further along than the 250 words I had the other night, so that's something anyway. And I know where I'm going. And I know who the incidental characters are. I suspect I don't know my protagonist quite as well as I ought to. She may be too autobiographical. I don't care. I'm going to push along.

I'm not feeling well. Too much diet soda, I suspect, and not enough exercise but, also, my hand hurts. It was exceptionally bad this morning, only a little better tonight. I've got tenderness in four of my five fingers and they all look a little swollen to me--but it might just be that I'm tired.

Day job launches into a full 40 hours this week, possibly more. I could have done some extra hours this weekend, but I had personal commitments. I've been pushing back on personal commitments for weeks now due to freelance work; this weekend, the personal commitments pushed back and I let them. I wanted to celebrate mimerki's 12th birthday and oldmangrumpus's graduation. I wanted to attend the Vanguard party with jackwilliambell. It's entirely possible I overdid it, resulting in the hand pain this morning and my spending a relatively low-key day today.

In other news, my cousin E has sold her townhouse and moved into a rental apartment until the unit she's purchased in a retirement community is ready for her. She lives in the same area that kijjohnson will be moving to. This gives me two reasons to strongly consider a visit to the southeast. The coup de grace is that I've just learned that there's a conservation center not far from where they'll both be living. It looks like I may plan a trip to the region either late this year or early next. We'll see. Other things are in the offing in the meanwhile, which I shan't discuss just now.

The new season of True Blood has started and I no longer have HBO. ::is sad:: I shall have to try to find it online.

I'm dead tired. I think it's time for bed.

tv, health, the hand, social butterfly, writing, travel

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