Post-Memorial Day Weekend notes

Jun 01, 2010 08:45

It's June. Damn, but this year is flying by.

Spent the weekend on the Oregon coast with jackwilliambell, visiting his folks and poking around Newport. We went to a community garage sale, visited the Yaquina Bay lighthouse, saw Iron Man 2 (is anyone in Hollywood hotter than Robert Downey, Jr.? I think not), and just relaxed. The highlight of the weekend was our visit to Yaquina Head lighthouse and wildlife area. We saw harbor seals, Brandt's cormorants, Pellagic cormorants, Harlequin ducks, and--the piece de resistance--a pair of big, healthy, handsome bald eagles. Lovely afternoon.

I missed the news of the Israeli encounter with the Turkish flotilla until I got home yesterday. It upset and angered me, but I've been feeling really torn about the whole thing, as a Jew, as an American, as a human being. With thanks to jaylake, I share a fairly balanced discussion of the situation: part politics, part humanitarian issue, part history, and part media manipulation and public perception. I'm not an apologist for Israel; I've disagreed with how they've handled the situation in the region for years now. This is truly a WTF moment. But nothing is as black and white as it seems, and no one is getting out of this encounter unscarred. I fear for the future of Israel and what may yet follow.

ETA: Someone on my flist, posting about this situation, stated that today she was ashamed to be a Jew. I can't take that stance because I see my religious and cultural identity as a separate thing from Israel and its existence. I won't be ashamed of who I am or how I was raised. There was a time when I supported Israel with an unalloyed loyalty, but it's been a long time since that has been true. I believe in the idea of Israel (call it the platonic ideal) but I disagree with its policies and practices. Yes, I will split hairs. And no, I'm not going to discuss the point.

It looks like Peter Jackson needs a new director for The Hobbit. Guillermo Del Toro's schedule wouldn't allow him to spend the extended amount of time required to work on the film. I'm sorry to hear this; I was looking forward to seeing what he would do with the material. Fingers crossed that Jackson finds someone just as visionary and creative as Del Toro to take over the film.

Spent last evening at kijjohnson's place for the second session of her F2F writing workshop with e_bourne and shelly_rae among others. I'm working to finally get the Africa story written. (Yes, writing is actually occurring.) Kij is a fine instructor. We'll see how it goes.

In other news, the hand is still healing, but it hurts every single day. It's still swollen, but far less than it has been. I just have to remember to rest it and to be patient. It'll heal bit by bit.

nice days, jack, writing, current events, politics, movies

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