Potlatch: The beginning

Mar 06, 2010 09:15

Potlatch has been ramping up the last couple of days, with friends in from out of town and opportunities for excellent company. Thursday night, I had a fine dinner of Chinese food with jackwilliambell, davidlevine and kateyule. Friday, Jack and I had Indian food with mcjulie and paulcarp.

The weekend's first programming was a panel on "Writing the Other," featuring David and nisi_la, among others. I arrived late due to a long wait at the restaurant beforehand, but what I caught of the panel was cherce--though I never did find out what the acronym ROARRS stands for--my fault for arriving late; I shall have to go get educated. I stayed in the meeting room, where the next programming was a Clarion West annual business meeting, mainly to enjoy the company of e_bourne and markbourne before heading down to the Clarion West reception, then up to the Hospitality Suite for the chocolate tasting party thrown by Renovation.

I should note that last night was Mark's first convention appearance since his extended absence last year, and people treated him like an arriving rock star. A couple of people told me they wanted to say hello to him because they got to know about him through my LJ account but weren't sure how to approach him since he was otherwise a stranger. I told them I'd be happy to introduce them or to just go up and say hi--he's worth knowing.

Today's plans include my speaking on a panel about electronic publishing, my working to host the Hospitality Suite this evening as part of the Foolscap concom, and general frivolity. It's the frivolity that's the hard part. :-)

Actually, the hardest thing about today will be staying indoors on what looks like it's going to be a lovely, mild, sunny day. But with good company and other fun society in the offing, I'll make the sacrifice--it'll be worth it.

social butterfly, conventions

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