
Feb 20, 2010 23:02

jackwilliambell and I met e_bourne and markbourne to visit Kubota Japanese Gardens in Renton, south of Seattle (pictures), and then we went to have lunch. As we were leaving the restaurant (Calamity Jane's in Georgetown, which I highly recommend), Elizabeth got a call from a neighbor saying that Kai the Wonder Dog had gotten out of the very-well-fenced-in backyard and we had to get right home.

I was worried. Kai's my doggie nephew. We got back to their place and I started calling for Kai the moment I got out of the car. E was adamant that we put our things into the house before going to look for him. Okay, I thought--it's your dog.

But . . . but then who should we be greeted by at the door--inside the house--but Kai? And . . . wait a minute . . . there's a balloon bouquet by the fireplace that wasn't there when we left. And there's . . . ironymaiden? oldmangrumpus? shelly_rae? Brian? All these people . . . WHAT?

It was a party! A surprise party! It seems that markbourne and I were being given the birthday celebration we never quite had this past summer. As you may recall, Mark's heart surgery was scheduled for our mutual birthday and, well, events got in the way. This was our do-over! Our birthday cake was a big heart-shaped chocolate layer cake that said "Happy Re-Birthday" on it, surrounded by perfect little yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting--very basic and very much my favorite. The group insisted upon singing "Happy Birthday" to us--I laughed all the way through it. Friends from different parts of our lives attended, and others who couldn't be there sent along gifts. All of Mark's were heart-themed (two, in fact, were plush, beating hearts complete with sound effects!). All of mine were beautiful beads of all sorts--cats were a theme, and a penguin bead showed up from Portland, as well as a heart-shaped box filled with "muggle beads" which looked suspiciously like pretty jasper but insisted on being "muggle beads." I received a beautiful bead with a blown-glass tree frog perched upon it, a fused glass pendant, and a pendant featuring a blossom suspended in glass, and so many others. Such pretty things! They'll all be used and will all be seen adorning me.

I was completely surprised--gobsmacked! I still am to some extent. I have the most extraordinary friends on the planet and could not be more grateful for the gift of this day. I send out special thanks and love to e_bourne, ironymaiden, and shelly_rae for conspiracy, and jackwilliambell for keeping secrets at close proximity. And then thanks to everyone who participated in one way or another. There's no question that today is the high point of my year. I love you all.

friends, mark's heart, nice days, jack, birthday

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