TV report

Feb 08, 2010 21:15

I've been a fan of Big Love since it first aired on HBO four years ago. The show's about a polygamous family living in the heart of the suburbs of Salt Lake City and how they cope. Mostly it's pretty good drama. Sometimes it's a little over the top.

We're five episodes into the fourth season--though I haven't seen last night's episode yet. (No HBO for me; I get it online.) But I'm really sort of frustrated with this season and here are my thoughts so far.

The writers have a very short memory. Bill's running for office, and all I can think about is how Barb was outed as a polygamist at the end of season 1 and it took her apart. Bill's just kicked his son out of the house so he doesn't threaten his relationship with Margene, just like his father kicked him off the compound. Apparently this week, Bill gets all sad and introspective because his past as a lost boy comes back to haunt his campaign. In the meanwhile, his neglect of Margene and of Nicki just don't seem to matter. He's becoming his father and he's completely oblivious.

This character's turned into the biggest asshole on television. There's nothing sympathetic about him anymore for me--nothing. The most appealing characters on the show now are Margene and Nicki (whom I never thought I'd find sympathetic). Some of the pleasure from the show now comes from watching Alby try to figure out his life and sexuality--and that's kind of hideous because he's always been as horrible as Bill's becoming. On the one hand, I'm interested in how all this is going to turn out. On the other hand, all I can do is go eeeiwww. On the third hand, I kinda wanna smack the writers for not acknowledging their continuity a bit more.

I think mainly I'm irritated at how this season seems to be superficial on so many levels. They're trying to do far too much all at once, and I feel like story lines are getting short shrift. I'll keep watching . . . for a while. We'll see.

I feel like Project Runway's back on track after being kind of off and blah last season. The move to LA was a mistake. NYC's where it's at, and the casting is better and more interesting this year.

And I'm loving this season's Chuck. It doesn't feel like they lost their stride for a single minute even if it looked like it was going to be canceled last season. Love it. Can't wait to see what happens next. (One thing I'd love, though. I'd love to see Casey get smit. I'd love for some chick to show up, just knock him on his ass, and break his heart. I know how the story would go, but I want to see it anyway, just because I think it would be hilarious and awesome. Adam Baldwin would have a blast with it.)

Haven't watched much of Ghost Hunters or Ghost Hunters International this season. It's all gotten to be a little rote, very formulaic.

jackwilliambell's got me watching random episodes of Big Bang Theory as he TiVos them. It's light; I'm entertained.

People keep telling me I need to watch Fringe, Castle, and Leverage. Anything else I'm missing? It's not like I have a lot of time to watch TV; I'm catching up online a lot. But it might be fun to try to pick up things here and there as I'm able.

You know, in the middle of everything else I've got going on--all that copious spare time....

tv, jack

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