How we start the new year

Jan 01, 2010 12:59

Overheard by Sophie and Spanky this morning:

scarlettina: Look! Look, it's my new calendar, filled with my own photographs!
jackwilliambell: Uh-huh.
scarlettina: ::grimace:: Jack, here's a chapter in the User's Guide to scarlettina: I'm a like a little kid. I'm an exhibitionist. I'm proud of what I create and will often often go, "Look! Look! See? Isn't this cool?"
jackwilliambell: So should I insert $GUSH here?
scarlettina: Well, it doesn't have to be $GUSH but it could be $SPRITZ.


Went to grubbstreet's place yesterday afternoon for board games and good company. I played the toughest game of Ticket to Ride ever ("Revenge!" was exclaimed regularly with much gusto, accompanied by the menacing shaking of fists). Had dinner there (tasty pizza), then headed out to Jerry and Suzle's (WANOLJ) for the balance of the evening. Many fine folks were in attendance. Midnight came and went, and the silliness escalated almost immediately upon the turn of the year. I knew all was lost when the knock-knock jokes started, especially when the appearance of the interrupting giraffe finished me for the night. I laughed until I cried.

All in all, between that and the big, tasty breakfast that began our day today, 2010 has started off well. I'm quite pleased. Here's hoping the rest of the year follows suit.

holidays, jack

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