Mundania (or Five Things for an Overcast Saturday Morning)

Dec 19, 2009 09:09

1) This McIntosh apple does not taste quite right to my mouth. Oh, wait, its label said "Product of Canada." That must be it.

2) Last night, after months of careful preservation, I discovered Sophie chewing on my signed first-edition of Bad Monkeys. I am not happy. She has a cardboard box for chewing on. Why must she choose my books instead?

3) Spanky appears to mostly be back to himself. He still seems pretty low-key. His ear, it appears, will remain a little dinged-looking. (He just brought me a well-chewed, pink catnip mousy. Things are indeed returning to normal.)

4) This weekend is shaping up differently than I planned mainly because I mixed up dates and times and am very annoyed with myself about it. Missed last night's game night at twilight2000's because I needed to be getting my house ready for company (oy, clutter!). And I'm still experiencing that sensation of overlapping realities because while some things are changing due to my poor scheduling skills, others are remaining the same. I'm constantly having to check my calendar and my To Do list to ensure things get managed properly.

5) To all my friends back east: I hear you're facing Snowpocalypse 2009--stay warm and dry, people and for heavens' sake, stay off the roads!

five things, the kitties, social butterfly

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