Spanky status: At the vet and the resulting news

Dec 03, 2009 12:35

Well, it's been a roller-coaster morning. My first call from the vet had Spanky diagnosed with a really gross autoimmune disease called pemphigus, the details of which I'll spare you. The vet then remembered that Sophie had been treated for ear mites. He went back to look at what they'd removed from Spanky's ear to discover that this entire episode ( Read more... )

the kitties

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Comments 18

singingnettle December 3 2009, 20:46:49 UTC
Cats are so good at hiding discomfort or illness, it's very hard for even the most loving of owners to discern when something's wrong.

And Spanky, unlike a human, won't look in the mirror and obsess about his ear.

There's probably nothing to feel guilty about...although as a pet owner, I know that won't stop you from feeling guilty. :-P

Great news about his kidneys being in good shape, though, given the number of cats that die of kidney disease.


scarlettina December 3 2009, 21:24:13 UTC
...won't look in the mirror and obsess about his ear.

Says you. Some cats can't help it. :-)

...I know that won't stop you from feeling guilty. :-P

I'm Jewish. It's genetic. I can't help it.

Great news about his kidneys being in good shape...

This is certainly true. I'm grateful for it.


ex_rolanni December 3 2009, 21:07:45 UTC
We can't be watching all the time, and cats are masters of deception. You caught it in time and he's still with you. This is good.

...besides, that cocked ear is so gonna get him street cred.


scarlettina December 3 2009, 21:22:54 UTC
Street cred! That's what he needs: this sweet grumpy ole indoor cat. The only one he'll impress is his little sister...but, hey, that could be enough.


lyonessnyc December 3 2009, 21:28:06 UTC
Aww, don't beat yourself up over this. You got him to the vet when the problem presented itself. You did treat him for mites -- it's not your fault. [[[hugs]]]

I'm glad it's not something worse, and that he'll be home snuggling up with you again soon.


irrationalrobot December 3 2009, 21:47:19 UTC
+1. You are crazy about your cats and take good care of them, take time to be happy about the good news about Spank's health, which is wonderful news for an old cat. :)


seankreynolds December 3 2009, 22:11:18 UTC
I am REALLY glad it's not pemphigus. My cat Brillig had that, was on medication to treat it, the vet noticed the medication was making her diabetic and switched her to a diff medication, then I moved to NYC. Turns out the new medication was also used as a chemotherapy drug for cat cancer (which is ok for use to treat pemphigus in light doses), and between that and the move, Brillig lost weight... which meant that relative to her body weight her dosage was MUCH higher than the vet intended. She got sick, started vomiting--basic chemotherapy reaction. Took her to the animal hospital in Manhattan, they said, "oh, it's the medication, if we take her off of it she'll start to recover, should be totally fine once she's been off the meds as long as she's been on the meds" (which was about 2 months). Left her there overnight in high spirits, glad she was going to be okay. Except the vomiting and such meant she wasn't eating, and her potassium levels had dropped, and the next day she had a heart attack at the animal hospital and they couldn't ( ... )


scarlettina December 4 2009, 03:55:02 UTC
Oh Sean! I had no idea! I'm so sorry. It's horrible to lose kitties we raise from kittens, so much worse when we lose them that way. Gawd, how awful for you and poor Brillig.

Yes, I'm grateful Spanky doesn't have the hideous odious pemphigus.


twilight2000 December 3 2009, 23:24:40 UTC
Think of it as "earned markings" like a war wound or those wrinkles that prove you've lived life :>

Awfully glad it turned out to be "just mites" :>


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