Thoughts and links for Thanksgiving

Nov 26, 2009 10:33

Snurched from mysticalforest: Recipes are key on Thanksgiving, and regionality makes all the difference. The NY Times provides a really nifty tool showing what recipes are most commonly searched for in each state via a clever interactive map. What do people in your state typically search for most? Check it out.

Thanksgiving is a day when we express our gratitude for all the goodness in our lives. My brother, my friends, my kitties are my goodness. And as an expression of my gratitude, I share with you one of my top ten favorite sequences from Friends, perhaps the only time you'll ever see Courtney Cox with a turkey on her head.

Garrison Keillor observes that on Thanksgiving we gather among our kin who know us a little too well, and put civility to a true test. He also gives Sarah Palin props for encouraging the conservative right to join the book-buying public. Well, I'll give her that anyway, but no more--and neither will he.

And lest we forget, you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (excepting Alice).

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. So many of us are having a tough time right now, but having each other makes it all a little easier and for that--having each other--I'm truly thankful.

holidays, funny, cool links, thankful

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