Weirdness--and other stuff--abides

Oct 11, 2009 10:07

Dreams: I dreamed last night that I was clearing off a dining room table only to discover a kitten had been buried under the piles of stuff. It looked almost freshly born but somehow I knew it was from the same litter as my-now-six-months-old Sophie. Undernourished and sleepy, it was still alive. I gave it three saucers of lumpy soy milk (because apparently even in my dreams I'm still lactose intolerant). Then the kitten looked up at me through drowsy eyes and asked, "Have I had enough?" I told it yes. It then spoke for a while in very sophisticated English, though I don't remember what it talked about.

Sophie Watercat: Sophie likes water. The water bowl isn't just for drinking. It's for spilling over, splashing around, or for dropping toys in. Interestingly, it's mostly paper she puts into water; I never find catnip pillows or mousies in the water dish. The only water she doesn't like is the water that comes out of my water pistol. She's an odd puss.

Reclaiming the left-behind: In this, I refer to my guitar. I have a beautiful Ovation Balladeer that sits in its hard case in my bedroom closet. jackwilliambell, as some of you know, is a musician, often totes his guitar with him, and often improvises just for the joy of it. A couple of nights ago, I picked up the guitar he typical keeps in a stand in his living room and started picking at it a bit. He offered me one of his guitar stands if I promised to take out my guitar and start playing again. I came home last night with a guitar stand. Today, my guitar will come out of its hidey hole and I'll start working on my callouses and manual dexterity again. I have no idea what Sophie will make of this development. Spanky is long since used to my occasional return to musicianship. This should be interesting.

Autumn in the Northwest: When I left Jack's place last night, it was 39 degrees out and the sky was crystal clear. I had three blankets on my bed when I went to sleep. Either today or tomorrow, I'll be vacuuming out the baseboard heaters so I can turn on the heat, though with all the sunlight I get in my place, I may put off turning on the heat for a while. The windows--and the fact that I live in the attic--often keep the place warm. Everything feels crisp right now. The light is changing, the land is turning browny-gold, the sky is quieter, and I dream of apples. I've been looking for Macs and haven't seen any. oldmangrumpus reports a Mac sighting at a local grocery store. I must investigate. I must also look for a corn maze to wander and start working on my Halloween costume.

It's October and I wonder, why do Fridays in October feel more autumnal and haunted than other days of the week?

PS--I need an autumn icon. I'd better get on that....

weather, sophie, the kitties, music, dreams

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