What a morning!

Oct 09, 2009 08:45

NASA pounds the Moon for answers and President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

On the Moon strike, I'm delighted to see how much interest it generated and I look forward to hearing what sorts of information it will garner. Though I'm pleased about today's other news, I'm sad that it overshadowed NASA's real success.

On the President's Nobel Prize, yep, that was a surprise. I think there are several elements at work here: 1) Obama's not Bush, and that right there is a goodness, 2) the world is pleased at the change in rhetoric coming from the White House, 3) the Nobel committee wants to encourage the president in the directions he's going. I'm glad that Obama took the tone and approach he did in his acceptance speech (article and video)(transcript)--that he didn't deserve it, that it belongs to everyone who works for peace, etc. The Republican response, with only one exception so far, seems to be criticism, ridicule, and sour-grapism. The one exception was a Republican from the Senate on the news this AM who congratulated the President and then said, "Now let's get back to work." At least he took a moment to be gracious. Limbaugh's calling it an embarrassment. Ah me, Mama's lessons in manners clearly didn't take.

In other news, it's a gorgeous morning here in Seattle, and I'm feeling pretty good physically. I'm thinking I might go and take a walk over by the canal to soak up some sun.

weather, science, current events, politics

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