Stop the world so I can take a breath

Aug 16, 2009 10:33

Bless me, LJ, for I have sinned. It's been four days since my last post.

Seems like this week's been a blizzard of craziness and this morning's the first leisure I've really had to think about things and to relax with the cats a little. The time has just flown. So here's the recent rundown:

Health: This week was just odd healthwise. My annual summer insomnia--which I thought had given me a pass this year--showed up with a vengeance Tuesday night and was with me every single night this week. Each day I was running on four hours or less of sleep. Added to that was a sudden onset of muscle spasms in my back so bad that by Friday, I left work early, came home, applied a heating pad and 3 Advil, and slept for three hours. One night I moved from bed to futon to couch to floor trying to find a way to sleep that wouldn't hurt so much. This situation colored everything else this week--the good stuff, the tough stuff, and all the daily minutiae in between. With stretching, meds, rest, and a good back rub from jackwilliambell, the pain finally receded.

Work: I love this job. At the same time, this week, with the lack of sleep, the chronic pain, and the push to finish the batch of stuff we're working on, I felt pretty stressed. Part of what made Friday the final straw for me healthwise was that it was so loud in the office that I couldn't focus and barely got anything done. It was evident that we were all punchy and having a hard time concentrating. It just totaled me. I'm going to the office a little later this morning to try to make up some time.

Fun: Thursday evening, jackwilliambell and I went to see G-Force for some mindless fun--and it was just that. I think it was the perfect antidote to a lot of other stuff this week. We both laughed--hard--and it was just what was needed.

More fun: Yesterday I spent the day at the Pacific Northwest Mouse Meet, a day convention for Disney enthusiasts. Small and friendly, the show included a dealer's room, one track of programming, and many opportunities for pin trading and general silliness. The keynote speaker was actress/dancer Margaret Kerry, the life model for Tinker Bell. At 80 years of age, she was funny and vivacious and in terrific shape physically. I got to meet some of the folks I've corresponded with on the DizPins boards and I did a lot of pin trading. It was also a very frugal day--I spent $10 the entire day, and yet came home--after trading--with a number of pins I've been wanting and lots of pleasant new contacts. Spent the evening with Jack, and then came home and passed out.

Other stuff: Two other big things happened this week. I'll post about each one a little later today. There may even be pictures. Also, I updated my Etsy shop. Drop on by.

health, work, collecting, movies

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