Sunday night and it's still too damn hot

Aug 02, 2009 21:56

What a rich, busy weekend!

jaylake was up from Portland, celebrating the more positive news about his health. We had Greek food and then attended the last Clarion West party of the season. Very pleasant, but we both crashed pretty hard when we got back to my place.

Saturday morning, I introduced him to Big John's PFI with its 30-foot-long cheese counter and its collection of exotic imports from the world over. He was suitably impressed and a leeetle giddy about the place. We stopped briefly at Gasworks Park where we sustained a tantalizingly short visit because we were due to pick up e_bourne for lunch. Shortly after victuals, Jay headed north to mikigarrison's place and I headed home to catch up on stuff.

jackwilliambell arrived around 4ish and we headed to Miki's for barbecue and socializing. There were jarts; there was croquet, complete with trash talking and vicious ball whacking; there were moose burgers (tasty enough, but I'll stick to beef and buffalo); and there was a boomerang...just out of reach. Jack played guitar, mellow and excellent as always. We then party-hopped to Vanguard in West Seattle, a smaller gathering than it usually is--a shame, because the food was excellent, the evening was comfortable, and we had a great view of the Seafair fireworks.

Jack and I had planned to work on the cat tree we started building for Sophie. Unfortunately, this morning we discovered we didn't have quite the right sized staples for the staple gun. Frustrating. Still, we had a big egg breakfast and a very pleasant morning.

Jack's stay and departure overlapped with greyjoy's arrival. We went to lunch at TASTE, then visited the Seattle Art Museum's Andrew Wyeth: Remembrance exhibit. The show reminded me why one must see famous paintings in person--you discover up close and personal why such paintings are what they are. I never had any doubt that Wyeth was a master; seeing some of his Helga paintings that I'd never seen before confirmed it for me in a remarkable way. The exhibit will be at the museum until September. I wholly recommend it to the locals.

Got home at 4:30 and spent the next 3.5 hours working on scheduling company for e_bourne at the hospital. Had a light dinner, watched "True Blood" (finally we know who Marianne is!), and tried to call Jack, with no luck. ::pout::

And now it's time for bed. I'm going to sleep hard tonight--and be ready for Monday with energy and enthusiasm.

PS--Elizabeth has made another Mark posting. He had a good day!

friends, mark's heart, museums, social butterfly

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