Don't know how it works for most bug bites, but if you have any stings the active ingredient in Adolph's Meat Tenderizer (something from the papaya as I remember it) cuts the pain and reduces the swelling if you apply it as a paste. That's why my family always had a jar. Ladyjestocost's family didn't know this, and when I suggested we buy some the look on her face was something to behold--I think she thought I was going to get some steaks to match the infamous "not guaranteed for tenderness" Ribeye sandwiches The Doghouse used to serve...
that happened to me 4th of july.. I find that dedorant works best.. rub that crap everywhere where it itches and it seems to relieve it a bit.. nothing else was working other than tkaing a lot of bendryl to sleep at night becuase that is when it was the worst for me I woudl wake up and had been scratching and for 3 nights in a row had to take a cold bath to get rid of the itching so i coudl go back to sleep..
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