Sekrit Project Revealed!

Jun 09, 2009 21:55

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen: The Sekrit Project Revealed!

At the end of April, while perusing the Fremont Blog, I found an entry, a call for artists for a project associated with Woodland Park Zoo: Penguins on the March: a celebration of the new Humboldt Penguin exhibit, to be composed of penguin sculptures decorated in fantastic ways. In a momentary lapse of reason, I RSVPed immediately, reserving a plastic penguin to decorate, and notified ladyjestocost, e_bourne and chaoselemental about the project as well.

I went through several conceptual iterations before settling on a final choice.

Here she is in all her glory:

Cleopenguin, Queen of Denial
(I do like hot weather! I do! I really, really do!)

My plan was to use more smashed pennies than I did, but I simply ran out of time. I used gold paint instead where smashed pennies should have been, specifically for the headpiece. I'm happy with it, though. And when I delivered it to the studio responsible for receiving the artists' works, I realized that my work stood up very well amongst work by professional artists and enthusiastic community members alike.

See the chronicle of creation at my Penguin Project Flickr set.

penguin project

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