Can't believe it's Friday

Apr 24, 2009 08:16

This week has just flown. I'm beginning to feel the effects of all my socializing, job searching, and run-run-running. I woke at about 5 this morning after last night's pleasant walk and dinner with jackwilliambell over on Alki. What a nice evening: beach walking and then a sunset dinner at The Celtic Swell. The Irish stew was hearty and tasty, and the soda bread, as ever, was extraordinary--almost cakey like good corn bread. And the company was quite fine.

Now, three hours after waking, I can feel myself getting a little groggy and yawny. Mustn't be sleepy, though, because I have a breakfast engagement, an airport run, and then packing help to provide. I suspect that after packing help will come a serious nap. Take note: Given what the day holds, I'm doing something I almost never do in public--I'm wearing a tee shirt! (For the record, it's my Lions of Tsavo tee shirt.)

Job hunting has been brutal this week. I've applied for several part time jobs, a couple of contract gigs, but there's been nothing substantial for me to pursue in a serious way. I'm watching my UI benefits and my bank account dwindle and trying not to panic. I'm mentally canceling travel plans I'd hoped to make (to Disney for my birthday for one--I have a gift cert for free entry on that day--and ANA in LA for another). And I'm looking at where else in my budget I can cut and trim and be financially smarter.

Why is it that when I'm feeling financially thrifty, I begin to feel the need to declutter my home? I've been feeling the need to purge the place again pretty strongly. Next week's task may be to continue the closet project begun so many months ago. There may be more donations to Goodwill, and possibly some sales on Craigslist or eBay. Certainly, extra cash wouldn't hurt. Hm... Perhaps I need to make a task list. I'm always more effective when I do that.

job, friends, food

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