Proud, informed me, plus cats and food

Apr 06, 2009 18:18

Proud of myself: I took advantage of the sun and warmth to walk up to the top of Queen Anne Hill for coffee and groceries, then walked back. Also proud of myself for getting some solid job searching done today that resulted in an almost immediate telephone interview. Fingers crossed!

Informed me: This evening, perusing The New York Times, I found two fascinating articles:
* Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing Memory: Eternal sunshine may be just around the corner.
* Bahrain Embraces Its Jews. All 36 of Them.: Hey, it's something. I refuse to be cynical about it.

I also wish to note that I get extraordinary pleasure from watching Spanky nap in the sun. He so completely loses himself in the pleasure of it, closing his eyes, baring his belly, and curling his toes. It's hard to resist petting him when he's looking so content, but I am restrained by the knowledge that interrupting his peaceful napping will interfere with his contentment.

Speaking of contentment, congratulations to mischief_wa on the arrival of her beautiful new daughter, Victory Dora. I can't wait to meet her!

And now, I shall make dinner for myself. Note: Keep up with the mushrooms. They are gifts of the divine.

job hunting, food, the boys, current events, jewish, cool links

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