What you learn when you walk

Jan 31, 2009 19:19

I've been trying to walk more lately. I've even succeeded. Today's route was to follow the #13 bus route from my place to the top of Queen Anne Hill. At about a mile, it took me about 45 minutes; it's mostly up a gentle but persistent incline, a vast improvement over the mountain climb required to top the hill via Queen Anne Avenue--a vertical incline that would try the healthiest among us.

At the top of the hill, I learned that the awesomely named How To Cook A Wolf restaurant is located across the street from one of my semi-regular coffee haunts. I always wondered about it but I never noticed it there before.

I also learned that apparently the intersection of Queen Anne Avenue and Boston Street doesn't have enough coffee or tea places, even though the corners feature Starbucks, Peet's Tea and Coffee, Cafe Ladro, and The Teapot. At 4:30 today all of these places were so packed that I purchased a cup of tea at Ladro and sat in one of the Adirondack chairs on the sidewalk to drink and read my book. There's an empty store front on that corner that used to be my favorite Indian restaurant. I wonder if we're going to get yet another purveyor of caffeinated drinks there.

I also learned that the playfield on Third Ave W has a running track and is part of David Rodgers Park, though I did not learn who David Rodgers is or was.

Tonight, I'm not going to learn anything. I'm going to watch a movie.
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