A pretty good first week, plus exhibit details

Jan 07, 2009 08:11

So, it's been a pretty good first week of the new year.

I spent New Year's Eve at grubbstreet's house playing board games with friends. New Year's Day brought me a delightful surprise visit from dthon and kistha. Last Friday night, ironymaiden and I attended "Sing-a-long Sound of Music" at the 5th Avenue Theater (which was a great deal of fun). A solution to the RadCon situation was realized. I had what I think was a good interview yesterday morning. And I sold some stuff on Etsy.

Yesterday afternoon, through the good offices of e_bourne and markbourne, I attended "Lucy's Legacy: Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia". The exhibit is excellent, chronicling Ethiopia's history, both religious and political (which are inextricably entwined). About a third of the exhibit is devoted to the exploration of Lucy's place in paleontology. The exhibit concludes with the bones of Lucy herself. markbourne said that seeing the bones gave him chills; I can only agree. Though the entire exhibit is definitely worth seeing (shellyinseattle, you'd appreciate the Ethiopian calligraphy on display), that last room, presenting Lucy's--and our--place in evolutionary history, is really the payoff to the whole show. It's definitely worth the time to attend.

Today promises to be a pretty quiet day. I've got stuff to do around the house and a couple of errands to run. It's been really windy the last day or so--even now, the trees outside my window are waving their branches as though seeking attention--so I may not spend much time outdoors. But I've got plenty to occupy me indoors, and that will speed the day along in a pleasant way overall.

museums, social butterfly

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