The madness of scarlettina, part II

Dec 19, 2008 13:53

It occurred to me about an hour ago that my vow not to leave the house had one drawback: It meant that I couldn't retrieve and deposit my unemployment check. So I left the house. I retrieved the mail, check included, and went to the car.

From my carport, I pulled into the alley safely and got halfway down the incline. Then I saw a car on the side street I was headed for slowly sliding sideways downward. Suddenly this isn't such a good idea.

I try to pull back or turn around, but there's no getting back up the alleyway. I carefully jockey my car into the street and see a vacant parking spot. The car starts to slide. Another car very nearly hits mine. Together, the other driver and I spread some kitty litter on the road (there goes the spare I bought for the boys), got me into the parking spot and got the other car on its way. I hike back up to my place, and here I am.

My street--that to which the icy side street connects--is also a hillside sheet of ice. So right now, it doesn't look like I'm going much of anywhere any time soon. My two anxieties are my car getting swiped on the side of the road and my not being able to get to the bank to deposit my check. Now, I don't have to worry about any automated withdrawals hitting until January 5--this is good. But I have other stuff I need to address, so this is a challenge.

I may brave walking into Fremont to deposit my check, but the sidewalks are just as bad as the street.

Good thing I went grocery shopping before the storm hit. I may be here a while.

ETA: More objective evidence for me being crazy and Seattle being dangerous in snow. With credit to anaka for the link.

weather, idiot ideas, current events

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