DNC day 3 from the couch

Aug 27, 2008 20:09

In case anyone's curious, I've been watching C-SPAN for the complete, uninterrupted coverage of the proceedings, and then flipping to MSNBC to see Olbermann and his people do commentary. It drives me crazy when I see talking heads ignoring key speakers, so I'm editing my own coverage.

This viewing choice enabled me to see John's Kerry's fiery, passionate speech in one piece, uninterrupted. He tore McCain to pieces, and after seeing Kerry I'll take issue with any commentator who says the Dems haven't hit hard at McCain yet. If Kerry had shown the kind of fire and power he showed tonight during his campaign four years ago, he would have been elected without blinking an eye. You can read the transcript, or try to catch the speech streaming online somewhere. It's worth seeing him fire up the crowd. He was terrific.

I thought Bill Clinton was very good--not the best I've ever seen him, but very, very good. I think he was convincing in his endorsement of Obama. He broadened the discussion to foreign relations in a way no one else has yet. And I think that he used his personal charisma to fine effect on behalf of Obama's cause.

Lastly, I thought Joe Biden was very moving. I was almost disappointed that Obama showed up when he did. My feeling was that this was Biden's moment and Obama stole a little of that thunder from him. At the same time, I have to admit that I had a moment, finally seeing the two of them together on stage. There it was, our historic choice, and I was excited and moved.

Tomorrow should be fascinating.

current events, politics

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