It's cheering me up...

Jun 24, 2008 22:00 I'll do it again.

I'm delighted to report that our own solcita pushed the Clayton Fund donation to $500 today, bless her shiny heart! I'm putting her smashed penny in the mail tomorrow morning. Wonder if I can push it to $1000 with my next efforts. Anybody wanna help? :-)

I corresponded this morning with the Clayton Fund folks; donations have been received. I was asked -- given the success of this effort -- if I might help with another fundraising project. I declined; I'm not done with this one yet, though I admit I'm slowing down some.

It's nice to have something like this to focus on right now. It's fun, and we (the donors and I, not the Collective Editorial We) are doing good, so go us!

lake ec

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