Is sleep my process?

Mar 11, 2004 07:31

Lately, I've been waking up with creative ideas. This morning I woke up with a couple of decisions firmly made. It's not as if I go to sleep thinking "This is what I'll work on tonight." Lately, however, I might as well be doing that. Things (with a capital "T") seem to be happening.

I woke up this morning pretty much decided that I'm going to bite the bullet for the ticket to the Nebs. I decided that I'm going to start actively looking for freelance work to supplement the income until and unless things change at the Current Gig. And I think I've decided which of the two cars I've been considering I'm going to buy.

None of these are momumental, Earth-shaking questions, but they've been dogging me. Decisions having been made, I can move on to worrying about other things ::grin::

car, nebula awards, work

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