SIFF, a belated first report and update

May 26, 2008 07:20

Saturday evening (May 24), I saw my first SIFF Film, "Chris & Don: A Love Story," on the enthusiastic recommendation of varina8 in the company of ironymaiden and e_bourne. It's a documentary about the writer Christopher Isherwood (who wrote "I Am A Camera," upon which "Caberet" is based) and his decades-spanning romance with artist Don Bachardy. It's a sweet story told mostly by Bachardy, augmented by excerpts from Isherwood's journals and the couple's pictures and home movies. The end of the film, documenting Isherwood's failing health and Bachardy's response to it, was a little hard for me, but my response is a sign of good film-making--I was affected, I was touched. If you have an opportunity to see the film, I recommend it. It's a very good documentary.

Today's SIFF film is "Nocturna," an animated film from Spain. I may then drop into Seattle Center for a taste of Folklife. We shall see.

Note: So far this morning, Merlin seems better. There's been no spitting up, but then he and Spanky haven't been fed yet. Merl's been quite active, though, trotting about the house, jumping onto me, onto the bed, his usual self. I don't know what's going on with him. I may end up taking him to the vet tomorrow, just in case, depending upon how today goes. We'll see.

the boys, siff 2008

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